

Has Trump’s racial attacks spared the Chinese Americans?
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)

Labeling immigrants from Mexico “rapist and criminals” and smearing African Americans with bigoted attacks, Trump’s racist values have damaged race relations in North America and sparked fears and hatred as a slew of racist incidents have been reported after his victory in the election.


“All the black and brown people have to leave and we’re going to become slaves!” As rumours are circulating among some black children, Trump’s scary have deeply affected minority children and stole a piece of their innocence.


Donald Trump’s campaign has created tremendous fear among those with minority heritage and Muslim faith, and his election victory has made the fears even more rational. The hate wave has spread to Canada and emboldened Canadian hate-mongers, fueling the racial acts in Toronto and other cities.


But going after Muslims, Latinos and Blacks, Trump’s racial attacks seem not to target Asian Americans specifically -- a rapidly growing demographic in the US. Despite growing protests against bigotry, hate crimes and speeches in the society following Trump’s victory, many Asian Americans choose not to participate, silently watching as events unfold. Some even relish the fact that they are spared in Trump’s racial attacks, believing they are the model minority in America, with their superior traits and attributes. 


 “Asians are good minorities, because they have more assimilated to American life, rather than separate themselves off into ethnic enclaves.”


“Most likely Trump’s next favorite race after whites is the East Asians… Trump admires hard work and success, and pretty much the Europeans and East Asians were the only races that flourished within 1 or 2 generations. If you are an East Asian, you are in good hands with Trump for now. ”


“The races that Trump disparages are social parasites who take, rather than contribute to the USA. But as an Asian, I am not a social parasite like most of the races that Trump is disparaging… I support either candidate – Democratic or Republican… I will be rich because I am hardworking, regardless of who is in the Whitehouse.”


But these comments extoling the virtue and merits of Asians while passively accepting the hurtful behaviour from a racist are bigoted, indirectly disparaging other races.  Supporting a racist because you are not among the victims or taking a bystander position in racial attacks has effectively encouraged the attackers to destroy your allies, leaving you at risks of facing the racists alone in their last round of killing spree.


Comments supporting Trump racist stance have been hit with backlash on the websites:   


“People who are racist tend to see the world as ‘us vs them’. If we let the world to be divided by races, anyone of any race is at risk of being mistreated by them. If he sees your race as achieving too little, he will call you a drain on society. But if he sees you achieving too much, he will call you an economic threat.”


“First, he banned the Muslims and I didn’t speak out – because I am not Muslim. Then he banned the Hispanics and I didn’t speak out – because I am not Hispanic. Then he banned the Asians – and there was no one left to speak for me.”




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